The Fight Against Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Exploitation for Forced Labor


  • Dorina Hoxha Prof.Assoc.Dr., Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania
  • Genada Taho Dr., Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania



trafficking, victims, forced labor


Human trafficking is a serious crime that abuses people's fundamental rights and dignity. It involves the criminal exploitation of vulnerable people for the sole purpose of economic gain. Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of exploitation for forced labor is one of the most challenging aspects of "modern slavery". First of all, it is challenging to put into practice the interpretation if we are dealing with a concept of a standard work or a forced work, because often the victims prefer not to complain or they refuse to testify as witnesses since they are dependent from their traffickers for work and housing. Secondly, the fight against trafficking for this purpose, that is, the exploitation of labor, requires coordinated action between the state, civil society, unions and the private sector. The concept of "forced labor" in the context of human trafficking is not defined in international legal instruments, but is used to define slavery or practices similar to slavery. Different countries have different concepts regarding the concept of what is called forced labor and what is related to the object of human trafficking. This paper aims to briefly address the concept of trafficking for the purpose of forced labor and the current challenges of legislation and protection in practice of victims of trafficking.


Received: 26 September 2023 / Accepted: 26 October 2023 / Published: 23 November 2023




How to Cite

Hoxha, D., & Taho, G. (2023). The Fight Against Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Exploitation for Forced Labor. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research and Development, 10(3), 39.